CPT_S 122 Final Project: Uno

Washington State University Fall 2024
Professor Andy O'Fallon
Cole Wilson (Lab 8) & Shane Ganz (Lab 2)

An implementation of server-networked Uno in C++ using SFML.

Video Demo:

video thumbnail


Binary: Download the latest release.

Source: git clone https://github.com/cole-wilson/uno


The game is played just as the physical card game Uno is. A "Host" player starts a game on their computer using the Host menu option. Next, all other players (up to about 10), join using the Join button and the randomly generated 6-digit code from the Host.

From then on, the game is played on a virtual tabletop. Your cards are displayed in front of you, and you can select them using your mouse or arrow keys. To draw a card, use the D key, or click on the draw pile. To play the selected card, click on it, or press Space or Return.

The number of cards each player has, along with who's turn it is, is displayed in the upper right corner of the window. To win, first get rid of all but one of your cards (in which case the phrase "Uno!" is played over the speakers), and then play that last card to win. You lose if someone else gets rid of all of their cards before you do.

Code Overview

The code consists of 3 major parts: the graphics thread, and the game logic thread, and the server, which are detailed below.

Graphics Thread:

The main SFML thread has to run in the main thread to receive window events. All of the graphics are housed within the GraphicsMain class. This class contains a singleton instance of the Game class (which is a friend of GraphicsMain), which essentially shares state between the two threads. To see implementation details, view the line comments in GraphicsMain.cpp.

The code is split into two parts: event handling and window drawing. The event handling listens for things like mouse clicks, keypresses, etc., and updates the game state accordingly. The window drawing handles drawing Card objects, which inherit from sf::Sprite, as well as drawing the Menu screen and various text info messages.

For wild cards, they are initially stored as an ActionCard of type WILD and color WILD_COLOR. Once the user chooses a color, it changes the color attribute, but keeps the WILD action type.

Game Logic Thread:

The game logic thread handles communication with the server via SFML sockets, as well as managing the turn-based logic and instructing the graphics thread what to do. The game thread consists of the Game::mainloop method which has access to several Decks of Card*s (which are either ActionCard*s or NumberCard*s). The Deck class wraps the STL deque structure and provides access to common card deck actions such as draw, put, and read.

Because the server communication sockets (through the Server class) are blocking, we can't put them in the main thread. However, we need to wait for actions from the non-blocking user events (such as choosing a card) from the graphics thread. We do this using mutexes, locks, and condition variables (see file for details). When we are waiting on the graphics thread, we can call a wait method to block until the graphics thread calls the release method.

The Decks and Cards are sent using their to_string() method, which serializes them into a string for sending over the server. For example, a Deck consisting of a Blue Zero, and a Yellow 2 would look like: B0,Y2.

To send turn data to other clients, and to receive it, the TurnData class is used to serialize the data sent across the network. The TurnData consists of the following separated by a newline \n: - number of cards drawn by the player - number of cards in players hand at end of their turn - the index of the next player - the direction of play (1 or -1) - the Card.to_string() that was played (or no for pass)


The server code is written in Python 3.13 in server/main.py, and contains two parts. The code for the webserver displayed at uno.cole.ws uses the Flask web app library, and provides uptime statistics and serves this README file as a sort of landing page.

The second, more complex, part of the server code is an implementation of a threading TCP socket server using Python's socketserver library. The code listens for incoming new game connections, and stores each game in a dictionary mapping of join codes to game data. After the initial setup stage, it echos each message from a client back to all other clients with the same join code. Essentially, the server acts as a relay to split messages coming to it across all the other clients. To see implementation details, view the comments in the file.

The server is packaged within a Docker image (see Dockerfile) and deployed to a Caprover instance hosted by Cole on an Ubuntu Server Oracle VPS "Always Free" instance. Caprover handles deployment of several Docker images and generates SSL certificates for them as well. The webserver is bound to listen on TCP port 8080 on all addresses, and the Uno socket server is bound to all addresses on TCP 9999. The code is deployed using GitHub's CI/CD webhook feature, so every push to the main branch triggers a redeploy of the server.

server uml diagram

Class Overview (Polymprphism and Inheritance)

The NumberCards and ActionCards are use polymorphism and inheritance from Cards. They each share the same CARD_COLOR property, but their behavior varies depending on whether or not they are a number card or action card. We can treat them as plain Cards in Decks but as their subtypes when we are performing actions with them. A UML diagram of the entire Card class structure is shown below:

class uml diagram

All Classes and Files

class source description
ActionCard.h ActionCard.cpp Derived class of Card for Action Cards.
Card.h Card.cpp Class inheriting from sf::Sprite acting as a base class for Number and Action cards.
Deck.h Deck.cpp Wrapper of the STL std::deque class to contain a series of Card* objects for draw pile, discard pile, or the player's hand.
Game.h Game.cpp The main game logic thread that handles blocking communication and turn logic. Uses threading and locks to communicate with GraphicsMain.
GraphicsMain.h GraphicsMain.cpp The main graphics thread handling the window event loop and drawing all objects and sprites on the screen. Interacts with Game::mainloop thread.
Menu.h Menu.cpp Graphics class for drawing the join/host/exit menu and handling join code input.
NumberCard.h NumberCard.cpp Derived class of Card for Number Cards.
Server.h Server.cpp Handles interactions with the server through sf::Socket.
SoundPlayer.h SoundPlayer.cpp Wrapper for sf::Sound and sound buffer reading from filename.
TestCases.h TestCases.cpp 5 test cases for common operations.
TurnData.h TurnData.cpp Class for serializing and deserializing turn data and game state.
main.cpp Main entrypoint for the program.
server/ Dockerfile The Dockerfile for running the server code on a hosted Caprover instance.
server/ main.py The main server entrypoint for all server code.
server/ index.html Template HTML file for the webserver.
sounds/ *.wav Sound resource files.
cards/ *.png Card images (see credits below).
installforge.ifp InstallForge config file (see below).
Info.plist The macOS plist file for the app bundle (see below).
Icon.icns The macOS icon file for app bundle.
buildmac.sh The bundling script for macOS (see below).
exelogo.ico Executable icon file (Windows).
helvetica.ttf Helvetica font file.
unologo.png Uno game logo for menu.


The Windows executable installer was created using InstallForge using the installforge.ifp configuration file. It shows a license agreement, copies the DLLs, resource files, and executable to Program Files, and creates shortcuts. (See the Installation section above for a download of the installer.)

The macOS executable is built using XCode and then bundled using buildmac.sh which created the Uno.app bundle and zip in ./build.

Image Credits

The Uno playing card images are taken directly from celsiusnarhwal/uno with some minor modifications.

© Cole Wilson and Shane Ganz 2024

last deploy at: 2024-12-05T05:27:51.623744, # games: 1, uptime: 39 days, 7:38:03.434834, pageviews: 178